Saturday, October 07, 2006

Tadaaaa! My first vlog!



Todd Janiak said...

Twjaniak here, also known as Tenrich. You pronounced my handle just fine btw. I shall endeavor to keep my eyes on the road in the future, but please note: no pedestrians or squirrels were harmed in the making of that video ;)

Violet said...

I'm very glad to hear that! No goldfish either, I hope? THINK OF THE GOLDFISH! :)

Is it better to reply to your comment here or on your blog, I wonder? I'm new to the whole blog thing. I haven't quite figured it all out yet.

Tenrich is a neat name - it sounds German. Which I think would make the "ch" sound like "ck"... am I close?

Todd Janiak said...

Right again.

Violet said...

I'm on a roll! I should go see about a lottery ticket. :)