Anyway, if you found your way here, Frank, hi! I hope maybe something in here is helpful. You've sounded kind of down in your blog entries, which I can understand. I hate feeling confused, and feeling lost, and not knowing what was going on would make me feel that way.
I'm going to put a quick summary at the end, so you don't have to read through all of this if you're too tired. :) Mostly I just needed a place to put my thoughts as I got to them.
I started with the links in your journal, just to have a good base to start from. Some things I thought were interesting:
- 70% of voice hearers reported that their voices had begun after a severe traumatic or intensely emotional event, such as an accident divorce or bereavement, sexual or physical abuse, love affairs, or pregnancy. In a recent study, Romme et al (1998) found that the onset of voice hearing amongst a 'patient' group was preceded by either a traumatic event or an event that activated the memory of an earlier trauma. High association with Abuse. These findings are being substantiated further in an on-going study with voice hearing amongst children (Escher, 2001)
- Some people who hear voices, regardless of being able to cope with this or not, may have a burning need to construct a personal understanding for their experiences and to talk to other about it without being 'written off' as mad.
SO! If the brain is a station for receiving, interpreting, and relaying information, and something happened to change how it does that, then it makes perfect sense for it to maybe begin picking up a different kind of signal.
About #2 - well, duh, that makes sense too. If something new is going on, yeah I'm going to want to figure it out. And yeah, I'm not going to want people going "yeah yeah, you're just crazy" while I'm doing it. :P
There was also this:
Organisation. The need to find meaning, arrive at some understanding and acceptance. The development of ways of coping and accommodating voices in everyday living. This task may take months or years and is marked by the attempt to enter into active negotiation with the voice(s).
Well, that makes sense too. Whenever there's something new, a person has to adjust a little. This was listed under the recovery stages section. Sooooo I would guess that the idea is to find a way to sort out what's going on and find a way to live amicably with this new other voice. Sort of like getting used to a roommate or something, I suppose. But it says "attempt to enter into active negotiation with the voice(s)," so I guess that means specifically trying to work with the voice. This is probably a dumb question, but have you tried talking back to the voice? I guess that depends on how she's communicating with you.
Then I wandered a little bit. I googled "telepathy" and "communicating with the dead" first, because like I said, when I was thinking about it earlier today those were two possibilities that came to mind.
Then there was this site, about some research done on Telepathy
Most often telepathy occurs spontaneously in incidents of crisis where a relative or friend has been injured or killed in an accident. An individual is aware of the danger to the other person from a distance. Such information seems to come in different forms as in thought fragments, like something is wrong; in dreams, visions, hallucinations, mental images, in clairaudience, or in words that pop into the mind. Often such information causes the person, the receiver, to change is course of action, such as changing his travel plans or daily schedule, or to just call or contact the other person.
During his 1930 ESP experiments J. B. Rhine also made some discoveries concerning telepathy: It was often difficult to determine whether information was communicated through telepathy, clairvoyance, or precognitive clairvoyance. He concluded that telepathy and clairvoyance were the same psychic function manifested in different ways. Also, telepathy is not affected by distance or obstacles between the sender and receiver.
Telepathy, like othe psychic phenomena, transcends time and space.
Hmmm. That's all really interesting. Seems like this is all about communication, regardless of time/location. And I keep seeing references to Big Events that seem to trigger it. Can you remember anything big happening that might have started this communication, Frank? Maybe something where you might have gotten a bump to the head, or maybe something that was kind of rough to go through? Like what I was talking about before, with the cell phone being dropped in water or something.
A wikipedia article about telepathy:
You know, I'm seeing a lot about these experiments, too, where a person draws or writes something, and it matches what another person was sending. That, along with some of the stuff from the hearing voices link, is kind of giving me an idea... I'll wait and put it at the end in the summary so if you're just skimming it's all in one place.
In seeking a scientific basis for telepathy, some psi proponents have looked to aspects of quantum theory as a possible explanation of telepathy. In general, psi theorists have made both general and specific analogies between the "unaccepted unknowns" of religion and parapsychology, and the "accepted unknowns" in the quantum sciences.
However, physicists state that quantum mechanical effects apply only to objects at sub-nanometer scales, and since the physical components of the mind are all much larger than this, these quantum effects must be negligible. Still, the true definition of what is "negligible" is perhaps unclear (see Quantum mind). Some physicists, such as Nick Herbert [3], have pondered whether quantum mechanical effects would permit forms of communication, perhaps including telepathy, that aren't dependent on "classical" mechanisms such as electromagnetic radiation. Experiments have been conducted (by scientists such as Gao Shen at the Institute of Quantum Physics in Beijing, China) to study whether quantum entanglements can be verified between human minds. Such experiments usually include monitoring for synchronous EEG patterns between two hypothetically "entangled" minds. Thus far, no conclusive evidence has been revealed.[4]
I just think that's really interesting, so I'm including it.
That's a lot of info, so I'll stop here and tell you what I think. (Because that's what blogs are for, right? Telling the world your opinion, WHETHER THEY CARE OR NOT! x) See, I'm jumping right into things here!)
Summary and Stuff
1) There seems to be a common thread through all of this stuff of "communication"
2) There seems to be a common thread of "figuring it out"
3) There seems to be a common thread of "something big happened"
SO. If I were going to give you advice, I'd say:
- keep writing in your journal about stuff. Writing stuff down is a really good way to sort things out, and it'll keep a record you can look back on later to notice stuff you might not have originally.
- try "talking back" to the voice, if you haven't already. Try to make the communication two-way, you know? Have a conversation kind of thing. Then maybe you can find out more about why you're hearing her and stuff.
- Maybe think about whether there's something big that happened that might have "flicked the switch" to begin hearing the voice. You don't have to share that, obviously, as maybe it's kind of private (if you want someone to talk to about it, though, I'd be glad to be an ear, but only if you want to) but just think about it. It might give you an idea of who the voice is and why you're hearing her.
Anyway. I hope some of that helps, Frank. I'm looking up more about communication with the dead right now and stuff. If you want me to look for anything specific, let me know! And maybe if you tell me more about how the voice talks to you and when and stuff, maybe I can find something more specifically useful.
Take care. :)
Your friend,
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